Building a drug free South Africa.

Drugs are Fatal


Drug addiction is a person’s inability to control the use of legal or illegal substances such as alcohol, nicotine, marijuana.

Signs that show that someone could be using drugs;
o    Problems at school or work the person may feel demotivated to carry on with their daily activities. This is also characterized by a drop in school grades and irregular work attendance.

o      Physical health issues develop, like the drug abuser may find themselves losing weight or gaining weight .They could also start getting tattoos’ as a form of therapy. And neglecting their physical appearance like their clothing.

o    You start sensing a change in the person’s behavior. Social withdrawal by not communicating with those who they are close to like they should.

o      Financial issues start coming up. Like they start depending on others to support them because of the constant urge to buy other drugs.

Drugs are not cool as they impact on people’s lives immensely and they end up being isolated from their family and friends because they are prone to steal from them, lie about situations and become untrustworthy, they can even commit physical abuse like rape or even verbal abuse like constant arguments.

Drug abuse is still a major part of South Africa’s social issues. So if you know someone who is a drug addict you can contact SANCA on 011 892;

Remember #drugsdestroylives.

type of drug

There is an alternative rather to use drugs like adopting a sporting activity, or speaking about your problems through rehabilitation programs which could be held at community centers.


  1. A lot of people use drugs as an outlet, to forget their sorrows but don't realize that the high does not last long which leads to the consistent use of drugs. Once you're knee deep, it is very hard to get out but it is not impossible. The first step is to acknowledge that you have a problem and then deal with is as you see fit. I hope that your post reaches the right readers that need this useful information.

    1. Thank you for your comment, I hope my readers actually are conscious of this problem and do their part to eliminate drug abuse within our society.

  2. Drugs are bad,they are bringing down the economy as the youth are investing more time and money on drugs. This leads them into crime also.

    1. Thank you for your comment, which is very true South Africa needs to spread more messages on different ways our youth can deal with issues they are faced with.

  3. Drug abuse has a bad impact on society today. It is an issue that needs some serious attention on how it can be eliminated from the world.

  4. YES! drugs are destroying lives of many of our loved ones. they should stop manufacturing the drugs to begin with.

  5. I know of a person close to me who does drugs, and its really sad because like you said in the blog, their day to day activities end up being negatively affected. For example he doesn't want to go to work any more because his priorities are his friends that do those drugs so he can also have a fix. It is sad what these drugs do to people, and no matter how hard you can try and help them with their addiction at the end of the day its all up to them. the person in use can only help himself by wanting to be helped. This is a great blog!

  6. Thank you darling for sharing your story, dont give up on that person. Try find him psychological help and a support group on ways he can overcome his addiction. Its possible for him to stop.

  7. drug abuse is a very dangerous thing to human kind and I have received a lot of information in this blog with regards to drug abuse and learnt a lot, please continue to inform us about these issues so we can get broader info

  8. Thank You reader, its adamant that we constantly inform ourselves of these issues so we dont forget and follow the crowd.


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